by Nicholas ZaldastaniForbes Councils Member.
July 9, 2021
BrainTap CEO. leads the brain fitness industry. It’s effortless, science-based, and provides huge impact in little time.
It’s no secret that the world is rapidly changing, and it can feel nearly impossible to keep up with the perpetually changing trends, apps, lingo and more. The business world is no different. The way we do business and interact with one another is constantly in flux.
How do we keep up? As the saying goes, it takes a village — and in business, it is no different.
Finding a mentor — and ultimately, becoming a mentor — within your field can be a crucial and impactful way to take greater strides in your business pursuits and influence. Brain fitness and mental aptitude are key, and one must always sharpen the saw.
Why Mentorship?
According to an article published by Prepped: “A mentor is someone with knowledge and experience in your desired field.
They’re willing to share this knowledge with you to help you achieve your goals. A mentor should be someone who has achieved the level of success that you envision for yourself. It’s someone who can challenge you and push you in ways other people can’t.”
Navigating the business world and many other fields can be overwhelming and complex. One needs various skills to make strides forward in their career aspirations and pursuits. Mentorship can allow the mentee to achieve greater understanding and vision to accomplish their goals, and it can help the mentor build up future leaders and their network.
Looking For A Mentor
We live in a world where one can easily make his or her interests known. Therefore, as you build your community, focus on bringing together interested, like-minded members who have the same goals as you. Focus not on “who” is in your community but “why” they are motivated to do what they do. Look for a mentor who has a similar path that you want to follow, who may have a different perspective and who can help you envision and reach your goals.
You can begin by networking with peers, friends, co-workers, family members and even through various online resources.
Being Teachable
Once you have found a mentor, remember to be humble and to make room for growth. It is crucial to be hungry for improvement and teachable through failure. Never let a “no” get in the way of your success. Even after all of Walt Disney’s successes in the late 1940s and early 1950s, he still experienced difficulty obtaining the funds to build Disneyland. However, he endured and built an institution. As the Walt Disney Company likes to say, “If you can dream it, you can do it.” Passion and commitment are two of the most important ingredients to a great entrepreneur and a great investment opportunity.
Becoming The Mentor
According to an article published by the Forbes Communications Council: “A good mentor is someone who is motivated and energized, cares about developing others, and is willing to commit their time. At the same time, if you are a mentee, make sure to dedicate the time and energy necessary to be mentored properly.
It’s most effective when there is a good match between the mentor and mentee.” This includes:
■ Background.
■ Skill sets.
■ Experiences.
■ Roles.
■ Similar challenges.
If you have the experience in your industry or field to be a leader to those around you and to help them reach their goals, you can be a mentor to help those as you may have been helped. Mentorship not only helps the mentee, but it also helps you. You can solidify your leadership skills and help leverage the future generation of thinkers to become leaders.
Expanding Your Influence
As a mentor, you have the unique opportunity to greatly influence the lives of many around you. In doing so, you can help change the culture and conversations surrounding your field of expertise by offering your experience and outlook. You can also continue to network and learn from those you mentor to continue to become a better professional.
Make A Difference With Mentorship
Mentorship is a powerful way to devote a portion of your time and energy, and it comes with great ROI. It is an impactful way to better one’s skills, expand one’s network, advocate for diversity, and build future leaders and innovators. You can help those around you while also being helped in return. A good mentor has the potential to create a ripple effect on both individuals and the industry or field as a whole. A great mentor can inspire others to become great mentors — and this, in turn, can create a stronger, healthier
workforce and community, no matter the industry or field.
Keep your brain most fit and remember that it’s not about what you learned today but how you make your tomorrow different due to what you learned today.
Forbes Magazine